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Frequently asked questions

I am being charged GST amount on my order. What is GST?

GST is a single tax on the supply of goods and services that is levied on every value addition (through production and services) and is added to a product’s sale price. GST has to borne/paid by the ultimate consumer of the product or service. If your order is fulfilled on or after July 1st 2017, GST will be applicable on your orders. GST subsumes all other taxes like Excise duty, VAT, Entry tax etc.

How long will my order take to be delivered?

Mostly it will take 5-7 days , but it can be delayed for any reason .

How is the GST amount decided?

1) GST applicability: For a product, 2) GST amount: If applicable, the amount of GST collected from customer depends on category, for example (i) Apparel/Clothing: Max 12% 3) The discounted prices displayed on the La Trendzo platform shall be inclusive of all taxes.

When will I receive the invoice for my order?

After the order has been placed.

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